What We Do
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27
The realization of a vision rarely occurs in a single step; consequently, our approach in pursuing God's calling with this ministry is incremental. Our current facility in Machinjiri is capable of housing ten small children up to age five. Sheltering ten orphans is better than ten more children living on the streets, so we are not ashamed of humble beginnings.
Phase One of Ephratha House is to move into a larger facility capable of housing between 100-150 children. In our new facility, we will be able to serve more children from a wider age group than we are currently able. With thousands of orphaned children in our immediate vicinity, the need is as great as it is urgent.
Phase Two of Ephratha House involves the procurement of agricultural land to support our orphan services. There are crops that can only be grown in the regions around the equator such as coffee, cocoa, and macadamia nuts. Cultivating these geographically sensitive crops will dramatically impact local economies by paying a truly living wage to workers who are too often taken advantage of. In addition to funding our orphan services, Phase Two serves the dual function of lifting up local communities and providing a witness to God's great love for them in Jesus.